Who is Alexander Graham Bell? What did he have to do with deaf education?

Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Graham Bell

We all know Alexander Graham Bell (known as AGB in the Deaf community) equally the inventor of the telephone.

That makes him a skilful guy, correct? Creating a way for human being to effectively communicate beyond long distances? Non so much.

Bell was an innovator and educator. Notwithstanding, he was also an oppressor, and this side of him isn't unremarkably discussed.

His Helpful Side

Alexander Graham Bell's "helpful side" is what is normally written in his biographies.

He was born in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1847. Ever since he was young, he always had an interest in hearing and oral communication.

Alexander Melville Bong, his begetter, was the creator of a series of symbols that that showed voice communication-the position and movement of the lips, throat, and tongue when making sounds. This was chosen "Visible Oral communication" and was used to teach deaf people how to speak.

Bell helped his father with public demonstrations of Visible Speech in 1862 until 1869 when he became his father's partner.

Bell had been experimenting with acoustics and wanted to find a style to amend the telegraph so that it tin transmit sounds. Many inventors before Bell had unsuccessfully attempted this.

In 1870, Bell'southward brothers died of tuberculosis, and his family unit moved to Brantford, Ontario, Canada. In Boston, he opened a schoolhouse for teachers of the deaf in 1872. During his work there, he became friends with attorney Gardiner Green Hubbard. Hubbard's girl, Mabel, had been struck with scarlet fever equally a child and became deafened.

Bell began to write specifications to patent a device that could carry speech by wire. This was the telephone. He was issued the patent for the telephone on March seven, 1876. He transmitted speech successfully for the first fourth dimension only 3 days later. He married Mabel Hubbard the aforementioned year.

Bell founded the American Association to Promote the Instruction of Speech to the Deaf in 1890. This is now known equally the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf.

Bong died in 1922 at the age of seventy-5.

His Harmful Side

Alexander Graham Bell's "harmful side" is very surprising, but is not usually discussed.

Outset, while Bell was the showtime to patent the telephone, he was non the kickoff to come upwards with the idea for the telephone. There is a lot of controversy around who really invented the first phone. Some even say that Bell stole the thought from Elisha Gray, who was a professor at Oberlin College, and beat out him to the patent part.

Only even worse – Bong believed that deafness was a horrible curse to the person who suffered from it.

That is a pretty awful thing to think, and for someone with so much influence, a terrible thought to spread.

There are several reasons why Bong would have this thought virtually deafness. One is that he grew up with a value for spoken communication, and equally an educator of the deaf, he saw how difficult it is for a deaf child to learn cognition through spoken and written language. He likewise did non come in contact with those Deaf people who were office of the Deaf community and who had successfully institute happiness within information technology. So, therefore, without this exposure, it's not hard to run across how Bell would have seen deafness as only a handicap.

Still, Bell also saw deafness as a threat to the social order. He thought that deafened people weakened society. In the 1880s, when Bell was rather wealthy and had a lot of fourth dimension on his easily, he became worried almost the numbers of deaf people in America and how they were increasing. He thought this was weakening the country and was determined to discover a way to stop it.

Because deafness seemed every bit though it were incurable, Bell wanted to find a way to prevent the nascence of deaf children. He examined data from many American schools for the deaf and wrote a newspaper entitled Memoir upon the Formation of a Deaf Variety of the Human Race .

Bell read his paper at the American Academy of Sciences at New Oasis, Connecticut in 1883. Then, in 1884, he read it to the Conference of Principals of American Schools for the Deaf.

Bell'south idea and conclusions were shocking. To justify his findings, he documented three significant facts about deafened Americans:

  1. The trend of deaf people to marry other deaf people
  2. The numbers of deaf people marrying other deaf people increased during the nineteenth century
  3. This increase would continue into the time to come unless desperate steps are taken to stop information technology

Bell stated that this tendency of deaf people marrying deaf people would eventually lead to a cosmos of a deafened race and "would be a bully calamity to the world."

His reasons for the tendency of deaf people marrying other deaf people were as follows:

  1. Residential schools for the deaf
  2. deaf associations and organizations
  3. deaf newspapers
  4. instruction in sign language
  5. writing in sign language
  6. erroneous ideas nearly deaf people
  7. deaf people'south desire to create a deaf state

Numbers 5-7 were of no importance and made no sense. Sign language writing doesn't actually exist, his erroneous ideas were that deafened people could not be taught to speak well enough to carry a chat, and a deaf state would never be established considering of lack of back up for the deafened community.

His first four reasons, though, were very valid and true. If he successfully eliminated these things, the American deaf community would exist not-real. And that is what he wanted to do. Without the cultural links and socializations of deafened people, they would be isolated and more than integrated into the hearing society.

Bell had 2 ideas for keeping deafened people from marrying. I was to enact laws that would forbid the congenitally deaf people from intermarrying. This, even so, Bell though, would lead to immoral actions and illegitimate children. It is as well difficult to tell when a deaf person became deaf.

His second thought was to eliminate residential schools, prohibit sign language use in deaf education, and foreclose deaf teachers from teaching deaf students. Bell thought these measures would encourage deafened people to utilize their oral skills and become more integrated into the hearing society. These measures could be "hidden" and seen as education reforms.

Bell'southward thoughts and findings did non pb to the end of deaf union, just it did instill fear and anger in many deaf people and spark debates.

To proceeds support, Bong printed his Memoir and sent it to members of Congress, the principals of schools for the deaf, and other people involved in deafened education. They were non impressed. The truth came out. Those involved in deaf instruction knew that most of their students had hearing parents. Deaf children are rarely built-in to deaf parents.

Bell wanted to accept abroad everything Deafened people had-their schools, their organizations, their newspapers, and even their language. Thankfully, he was unsuccessful. Deaf people are still people. There is zip incorrect with them, and they near definitely do non pose a threat to the human race.

This information may come equally a shock to y'all, and information technology should. There are two sides to every story, and this is 1 side that well-nigh people do non know about-Bell and his fight for eugenics against the deafened.

Were Alexander Graham Bong'due south contributions to society more helpful or harmful?

Alexander Graham Bong Papers Submitted by Students

Who is your favorite person from Deafened history?

Alexander Graham Bell

by Erika (Salt Lake Urban center, Utah) | Feb ii, 2014

My favorite person from Deaf History is Alexander Graham Bong considering he gave the deaf population something to fight for.

Every story needs a great villain and quite frequently the villain does not seem so villainous on the surface. Every great story where good triumphs over evil the villain makes the hero stand up up and fight for something, annihilation.

While I volition readily admit that Bell was nigh likely a villain out of ignorance he was still a villain still. The push he made to force oralism gave the deaf community a reason to remember how proud they were of a language they had created. Had Bong not pushed for oralism it is quite possible that ASL would never have seen the realization that it has today.

At present recognized as its ain linguistic communication and taught in almost colleges, including hearing schools, ASL has go a force to be reckoned with. Information technology is always squeamish to see a group stand together to defend something they are proud of.

Alexander Graham Bell

by Kathleen Sweeney | Dec 7, 2016

My favorite contributor to the deaf community is Alexander Graham Bell. Bell's work was highly influenced by his wife and mother existence deaf. He is most known for his invention of the telephone.  Bell's central involvement lied in deaf instruction and education.

His father was a researcher of speech and he too took interest in the physiology of speech communication. Bell utilized his fathers method called "visible oral communication" to teach deaf students.

Bell likewise published a paper analyzing the culture of the deaf community. He expressed that deafened people often socialized together, inside the community. He was an extreme supporter of oralism and believed the speech was the superior way for dead individuals to thrive.

Subsequently on, Graham expressed the universal language for the deaf community was established and should exist recognized. Afterward the utilize of sign in the classroom became more prevalent and was known as the "natural linguistic communication" for individuals who are deafened.

Alexander Graham Bong

by Audrey Jacobs | January 11, 2017

Alexander Graham Bong was an educator, a scientist and an inventor during the late 1800s and early on 1900s. Born in Edinburgh Scotland, on March third, 1847, he did all his studies in Europe going to a private loftier school, Edinburgh Purple High Schoolhouse. His offset portion of higher was at Edinburgh University, subsequently transferring to The University of London, where he completed his studies in visible speech. His male parent and granddad both studied communication for the deaf, his mother was almost completely deaf, this rooted his inspiration to detect forms of spoken language. Before long after establishing a do in London, his two brothers became sick with tuberculosis and the whole family moved to America to become healthier. Though he wasn't happy about his transportation, he connected studying the human voice.

In 1871, he started working on telegraph transmissions for several messages using dissimilar frequencies on wires. He later gained support from people who plant promises in his products to fund his experiments. Thomas Sanders was a wealthy man of affairs and also offered Bell a place to stay, and Gardiner Hubbard was an American lawyer, financier, and philanthropist. After many failed attempts in 1876, he succeeded and invents the first telephone. This wasn't his start invention, from the time he was twelve, while working the the wheat factory he invented a way to utilize paddles to turn over the grains. When he was xvi, he started working with his dad and sparked his interest in deaf communications.

After furthering his inventions he went back to his original passion of helping the deaf. He pushed towards Oralism, where the deaf learn to speak instead or Manualism, that supports the use of ASL. In 1890, where he established the American Clan to promote the teaching of speech to the deaf. He believed that oral education would decrease deaf marriages, decreasing the possibility for deaf children. Increase the opportunity for the deafened community for education and employment.

My Least Favorite

by Dianna Hudson (Ohio) | March 8, 2013

I accept to say the Alexander Graham Bell is my least favorite historical effigy in the Deaf community. I saw details of his work in the documentary film, "Through Deaf Optics". It also stated that he didn't feel deaf people should marry another deaf person, as this may produce a deaf child and he was against that. I don't know how he could take this form of thought, I believe his mother and/or wife were deaf equally well. I don't agree with the oralism argument in educating the Deaf, and I retrieve it hinders and is a waste of time more it helps.

Abbe de 'Epee is a favorite for taking the time to learn to communicate with the deaf to teach them.

Last just non least would have to be Heather Whitestone. I think I remember when she won the pageant, and I think that she made a positive influence in the history of the Deaf and the history of America as a whole.

William Stokoe is another one y'all accept to love. I wonder if he had any idea what his dissertation would do for the Deaf community. I recollect ASL is a beautiful language. I'm then glad that information technology has successfully evolved for the Deaf culture, and I appreciate each and every person who has a positive influence in Deaf history, giving the Deafened something to exist proud of.

Alexander Graham Bell

by Jamie Saults | May eighteen, 2016

I am writing virtually Alexander Graham Bong because I idea information technology interesting that he fought and then difficult for the deaf community and even married a deaf person, still also thought that deaf people weakened society. His behavior led to a fence in the form of communication used by the deaf and to a ban on the apply of ASL that lasted for one hundred years.

Bell had had an interest in hearing and speech since he was a young boy. He had been exposed to the deaf community through his parents. His mother was deaf and his father had created the symbols for visible speech, which was used to teach deaf people how to speak. Years later on, Bell opened for a schoolhouse for teachers of the deaf in Boston. His associations there, including meeting his wife, compelled him to begin his work on the telephone. He founded the American Clan to Promote the Education of Speech to the Deafened in 1890. This is at present known as the Alexander Graham Bong Clan for the Deaf.

Information technology is believed that Bell thought deaf people posed a threat to the social order. As a event, he tried to find a way to preclude the birth of deaf children. He as well wanted to cease American Sign Linguistic communication as the ways of advice for the deaf and instead use oralism considering he idea information technology would be a meliorate mode of advice for the deafened to assimilate into mainstream society. His influence confronting manualism or ASL led to a century long ban of ASL in schools.

The debate of manualism vs. oralism exists today, but fortunately ASL is no longer banned.

Alexander Graham Bell

past Hanna England | September 15, 2016

My favorite person from Deaf History is Alexander Graham Bell. Graham was built-in on March 3, 1847, and later on died on August ii, of 1922.  Although Bong is mainly known for his invention of the telephone, he also is known every bit the male parent of oralism in Deaf history. Alexander grew up with a deaf mother, and a begetter who was centered on deaf education. His father developed an alphabet known as the "Visible Voice communication."

Bell's main interest in his life was deafened education. For most of his life, Alexander studied the physiology of speech.  Later on, Bong started teaching the alphabet, invented by his father, to deaf students. He and so opened a school that would brainwash teachers on how to teach deaf children.

Years later on in 1884, "Upon the Formation of a Deafened Variety of the Man Race" was put into the world, information technology was near how the deafened community was rising. They were becoming a society of their own, they were communicating with each other and socializing with each other.

As Brain Greenwald stated, "Lodge in full general views Alexander Graham Bell every bit an American hero, as the inventor of the telephone. He was famous, wealthy, and influential. His own Female parent was deaf. He was always associating with the Deaf customs and he was a teacher of deafened children. He had his own day schoolhouse in Boston. He was very familiar with the Deafened world." Alexander Graham bell was most importantly known as the inventor of the telephone, notwithstanding being less known for aiding the deafened customs, which was also one of his master accomplishments. Bell was a stiff influence on the deaf community.

Alexander Graham Bell a Villain?

by Christi (Charleston, WV) | November 21, 2011

Your history of sign linguistic communication article was very interesting to read. I would accept to say my favorite person is Abbe de L'Epee. In reading his story I can encounter that he truly was a follower of Christ. Christ is our example and Christ became a servant to flesh and gave his life that we could be saved. Abbe de Fifty'Epee must have truly sacrificed his life in order to accomplish all that he did for the deaf. He became a retainer to the deafened. His life would be a good instance to anyone that feels a telephone call to deaf ministry building.

I somewhat disagree with your statements regarding Alexander Graham Bell. Perhaps information technology is my positive mental attitude but to say he actually tried to damage the lives of deaf people is a flake slanderous. Surely he must have thought he was doing something good for the deaf. Mr. Bell did non take a clear understanding of the deaf which tin can easily happen when y'all are exterior looking in. That is why deafened people need deaf representatives or at the very least a hearing person that will truly "hear" them.

Besides, to say oralism is wrong for all deafened people is a very broad statement. Some very successful deaf people accept used oralism which probably somewhat contributed to their success. Although I would imagine learning with the oralism method would be very difficult for a deaf person. If I had a deaf child I would want them to take every access to teaching possible and because that they are in a hearing world that speaks English (if y'all alive in America) whatever method that would allow them to understand the English language would exist beneficial.

I practice agree nonetheless that to deny the deaf the use of sign language is tragic. ASL is a cute linguistic communication and a very efficient means of communication. I actually enjoyed the article and the run a risk to share my opinion. This is just my stance from the outside looking into a fascinating civilization.


by Anonymous: I looked the definition for an "Audist" and I was disappointed to hear the negativity about deafness. I totally hold that if a person tin can exist helped in oralism that they should become for information technology. But at the aforementioned time those who are deafened should be given credit for what they have accomplished. Being deaf in a hearing world is difficult equally it is. That is why I am all for total communication which includes oral and sign linguistic communication. With the high rate of hearing loss and the high cost of hearing aids is it any wonder that people are perplexed about which manner to become. With the large number of those who take hearing loss that are not getting much do good from hearing aids, sign language goes a long way in helping to better one's lifestyle. In many schools, learning a 2nd language is mandatory. Why not permit sign language be that second linguistic communication? Sign language tin be taught to those who are still in the cradle. We need to face up up to the fact that this globe in in need of Sign Language Interpreters. What better way to begin than right at the cradle.

by Michelle Jay: Thanks for your dandy submission! I really enjoyed reading it. I simply wanted to articulate up a couple things:
one. Did y'all read the commodity on Alexander Graham Bell? You can access it here: https://www.startasl.com/alexander-graham-bell. I advise reading that article. It explains what he did and even acknowledges what you said about him being on the exterior looking in.
2. The article doesn't say oralism is incorrect for all deaf people. You lot're right, that would be incorrect. The article states, "[The NAD] gained a lot of support and maintained the use of sign language equally they argued that oralism isn't the right educational pick for all deaf people." This is saying that oralism isn't right for ALL deaf people–which is what oralism supporters believed. However, it may exist the right choice for some. I guess the English could be a little more than clear.

Alexander Graham Bong

by Bearding

He is not my favorite. He is the one most interesting to me.

He is interesting because he had a deaf parent, married a deaf individual, and had deafened children withal he was so against the development of the deaf customs.

I often wonder why he spent his whole life fighting to get rid of something that was a role of his life–his whole life. My theory is, with his invention of the phone, and him growing up amidst deaf individuals, he feared the hearing customs would become extinct and his invention of the phone would become useless.

Regardless of the negative approach towards the deaf community, his negative behavior turned out to be positive overall. The deaf community at present teaches oralism and ASL. The deafened community at present has the NAD. The deaf customs now has TTY or video phones and much more than. On top of that the deaf community now has on record a foundation to learn and continue to grow from.

In that location is a saying in a rap vocal I beloved: "allow ya haterz be your motivators." That'south exactly what the deaf customs has done and continues to do.

Alexander Graham Bell

past Heather (Liberty, MO, USA)

I know that Alexander Graham Bell is a very controversial figure in Deaf culture, understandably.

I can also see how his invention isolated an already oppressed people group–the unabridged deaf customs for many years. However, I think it is amazing how his invention has come full-circle. Without the invention of the telephone, we would take no phone. With no telephone, there would be no texting. Both of which are vital in connecting the Deafened customs with the others, both hearing and not-hearing.

I must acknowledge, that the article on Alexander Graham Bell was one of the first I have read that described him as a foe. This is also the first time I have heard information technology posed that he intentionally tried to damage the lives of Deaf people. While, I intend to investigate this further, I am baffled that he would exist seen and so villainously despite the fact that he was married to a deaf adult female.

Certainly, it is not assumed that he was preventing her from marrying another deaf person and bringing deaf children into the world? One would have to exist quite contemptuous to believe that he did not want what was best for her, albeit as misguided every bit it was.

As I said, I need to do more research. However, I am delighted that the Deaf community has so much access to data and online customs through the cyberspace and texting…which is also giving me, and others like me, that run a risk to study ASL and better communicate with the deaf.

Mabel Gardiner Hubbard Bong

by Alan (Sodus, New York)

Yeah, Bell – the deafened wife of Alexander Graham Bell. She met "Alec" equally a 15 yr old medically deaf student in his oralism school. And the story begins in Make a Joyful Sound, the authorized biography of Mabel and Alec by Helen Elmira Waite.

I fear this history has painted Mr. Bell with a biased brush. One of the most influential books I have ever read; it collection me to his museum in Baddeck, Nova Scotia on two separate trips. Mr. Bell continued Anne Sullivan with Helen Keller. He, and others were pioneers of 'sound' research and the book tells this story.

This is a wonderful love story and a biography of the lives of both Mabel and Alexander. Their children, Elsie May and Marian and their grandchildren were also very accomplished members of order. Gilbert Grosvenor married Elsie May and started the National Geographic Society.

Graham Bell personally taught Mabel to lip read and to refine her speech so no one could tell that she was totally deafened. Every bit a 'test' of his oralism method he invited her to a formal guild party with his critics and his friends (none of whom knew she was deaf).

I won't ruin it for you to read – you can gauge, she stole his centre.

I hope you can find this old volume. L.of C. Catalog Card # 61-14958 (1961) | Macrae Smith Company, Philadelphia

Oh the Ringing Irony

by Rebeca (Redding, California)

I do not discover Alexander Graham Bong to be inspirational or admirable in this case, and yet I must say he is my favorite historical figure.

Mr. Bell's futile attempts to make the deaf community accommodate was condescending and ignorant. His interest in "helping" the deaf of his time was, in my opinion, "telephone-y!" If he were alive today, he would have to swallow his own telephone string.

It's refreshing to see a useful invention morph into a useful tool for those who were wrongly oppressed for so many years. I am referring to the IP (relay phone). Inventions are sometimes misused or turned into hurtful objects. In this instance, the telephone has get a supporter of sign linguistic communication. It is sweetness victory for the deafened customs and for all of us by extension!

What a shame it would have been if sign language would had been wiped out. Only, band ring, hello? Sign language is one of those unique languages that is impossible to wipe out. Even if Mr. Bell and his cohorts had succeeded to a certain degree at that time, sign language would have simply taken a slightly different route, simply still would exist alive and well today.

It's not like some of the aboriginal tribal languages that have died abroad never to be recovered. For centuries, the deaf have communicated by signs. How a man like Alexander Graham Bell, with all his intelligence and patience for such an intricate and delicate machine, could not understand the importance of sign language, is a mystery to me. Much like my prison cell telephone… ironic, isn't information technology?


Source: https://www.startasl.com/alexander-graham-bell/

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